Welcome to Ramsden Hall Academy

Ramsden Hall Academy is a residential special school for boys aged 10 to 16 who have an EHCP for Social, Emotional and Mental Health. We are part of the Parallel Learning Trust (PLT) a Multi Academy Trust with schools in London, Medway and Southend.

We admit up to 100 boys from across the whole county, with transport provided by Essex LA. Every student has an Education, Health and care Plan, (EHCP), and have a variety of social and emotional needs. As a result, we group our pupils according to need and learning styles in all areas. 

Families have told us: 

We have ‘helped her son understand his anger and how to deal with it’

That their son had gone to RHA ‘at his worse, had been out of education for 4 years and now he is thriving’

 ‘He is getting lots of advice and help on Post 16 /Careers but they don’t want him to leave’

They ‘wished the school could train mainstream schools in how to deal with students with SEMH.

'They are all super heroes with how they have changed his aggression’


Everything we do is based on positive relationships. We are fully staffed in all areas and all subjects are led by subject qualified teachers. Our dedicated, experienced and stable staff team, are highly trained in areas such as Trauma, Attachment and Mental health, and includes a highly experienced engagement team, safeguarding team and residential team. We also provide two part-time counsellors and bespoke therapy as needed.

We aim to give all our pupils and their families the hope, compassion, experience and qualifications to enable them to take their place in the World.

We will:

  • build their skills and confidence so that they can learn to recognise their emotions, self-regulate, and develop strategies to express themselves safely
  • ensure that everyone is seen and known as an individual, and offer them tailored pathways to meet their individual goals.

We provide a safe, secure environment where pupils are cared for, valued, respected, challenged and supported to achieve and make progress. We believe that every student can have, and is entitled to, a positive future, and so we offer a variety of academic and vocational qualifications to ensure that all pupils can achieve at their level and access their chosen destinations after Y11. In the last two years, every student who has completed Y11 has gone onto a college placement. Our curriculum is flexible and is designed around student needs and interests with a practical element wherever possible to support pupils with ADHD behaviours.  Any pupils demonstrating the skills and attainment required to successfully reintegrate into a mainstream school are supported in their transition.

We aim to nurture confidence and give our pupils the chance to succeed where previously they may have failed, to fill the gaps from their primary education and to prepare them for life in the real world. We organise our learning groups on the principle of ‘stage not age’ as far as possible. Pupils in Years 6 – 8 benefit from our nurture base within our Ready to Learn area where English, Maths, Humanities and Life Skills are delivered through a thematic, project based approach, including therapeutic activities such as Forest Schools.  We believe that the curriculum involves every aspect of school life and so we provide a range of trips and off-site activities, as well as the chance for older pupils to complete work experience, including onsite with our catering and site teams. 

In May 2021 we moved into our purpose-built residential block, Ramsden Lodge, and the extension to the teaching block which houses new dining halls, ready to learn and art areas. The main teaching block was constructed in 2009, and we also have an outdoor classroom, technology area and gym in various original outbuildings. This is all set in 14 acres of grounds, including a playing field, swimming pool, and woodland. 

The Academy works with families to put in place aspirational yet achievable targets for all learners and celebrate the achievements of pupils to reinforce their success and achievement, in line with their EHCPs.  We operate vertical mentoring within an established house structure to focus on nurture at all ages, with pupils grouped according to need. These tutor groups meet twice a day and their staff tutor takes a key role in liaison with parents and overseeing the pupils' social and emotional development.


Residential Provision

The residential provision is currently rated “Outstanding” in all three areas of the inspection by Ofsted and has facilities for up to 40 pupils at a time. In the latest report, Ofsted said “The residential special school provides highly effective service that consistently exceed the standards of good.  The actions of the school contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for children and young people.”

The provision is a choice for the pupils and their parents/carers, in consultation and agreement with the school.  We have an emphasis on activities and routines, making sure it is fun, but also give the pupils appropriate structured freedom to interact with their boarding friends. We focus on the development of social skills and emotional wellbeing and residential pupils consistently show improved outcomes in terms of both attendance and achievement.


Antony Clements

Ethos and Values



Term Dates

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Ofsted - Outstanding Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP)Smart School Council CommunityAttachment Aware SchoolNurture Accreditation AwardThe Princes Trust