Our curriculum aims to offer our students opportunities to develop the qualities and skills to transition successfully into the next stage of their learning.

The curriculum has been designed to promote the development of important life skills through strategies such as learning to learn in our nurture base. There is a clear focus on supporting the development of skills and character traits such as self-management, compassion and team work and there is an emphasis on promoting learning outside the classroom.

Curriculum Statement

Our curriculum is designed to be flexible so it can be adapted to meet the individual needs of each student. We organize our learning groups on the principle of ‘stage not age’.  Students in Years 6 – 8 can benefit from our nurture base within our Ready to Learn area where English, Maths Humanities and Life Skills are delivered through a thematic, project based approach. Alternatively, students that are ready may join one of our learning groups following our Key Stage 3 curriculum.

Music provision is provided to students as an extra curricular activity for a limited number of students and is provided by an external music provider.  Development plans are based on student needs.

Alternative provision is provided to accommodate students with personalised timetables.

Ready to Learn Curriculum Overview

Food Technology - Allocated teaching time (mins): 90

Forest School - Allocated teaching time (mins): 90

In Years 9 – 11 our curriculum enables our students to access a wide variety of academic and vocational subjects. Year 9 acts as foundation year where students attain Entry Level qualifications before moving on to GCSE, Functional Skills or vocational qualifications in Years 10 and 11:

Key Stage 4 Curriculum - Core Subjects

Key Stage 4 Curriculum - Optional Subjects

Remote Learning

Curriculum content can be viewed by clicking on the relevant subject above.

Should you wish to discuss anything related to the curriculum please email admin@ramsdenhall.org.uk

Options Booklet

At Ramsden Hall Academy, Options are taken by students in Year 8. The students will be invited to attend an Assembly during school hours whereby they will be given all the information relating to subjects.

Should you have any queries relating to Options, please do not hesitate to contact the school office on 01277 624580. Alternatively, you can email admin@ramsdenhall.org.uk.


Tracking Pupils Progress

Ofsted - Outstanding Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP)Smart School Council CommunityAttachment Aware SchoolNurture Accreditation AwardThe Princes Trust