Ramsden Hall Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable young persons, and expects all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment. All appointments are subject to safer recruitment procedures including satisfactory references, medical and enhanced DBS clearance, and previous employment verification. A number of staff live on site, ensuring support and safe supervision for pupils at all times. 

Keeping Young People Safe

All staff and visitors have a responsibility to help identify children and young people who are at risk of significant harm and in need of protection. If you identify a Child Protection/Safeguarding concern in respect of a young person you must report it to a member of The ‘Safeguarding Team’ via the Reception as soon as possible:

The Safeguarding Team

Mr Antony Clements - Headteacher

Mrs Claire Parker - Designated Safeguard Lead

Ms Tara Cordrey - Deputy Designated Safeguard Lead

Mr Andy Stanford - Deputy Headteacher

Mr Tony Lane - Associate Assistant Headteacher

Mr Adam Robbins - Associate Assistant Headteacher 

Ms A Vincent - Engagement Team Support Worker

Helpful Tips to Protect Children.

Safeguarding Children and Young People is a sensitive and difficult area and requires a Working Together ethos:

Good lines of communication MUST be shared with the Safeguarding Team as soon as possible;
It is important that the child’s voice is heard and recorded;
A child may choose to share child protection concerns with you;
You should listen to the young person at an appropriate time; try to record word for word what they have disclosed;

It is important to remember to be as factual as possible and to remember to state the following:

  • The name of the child.
  • The date and time of disclosure.
  • Details of the disclosure.
  • The author’s name, signature and date.
  • Remember that your statement could be used as evidence.

If a child discloses a child protection concern with you, DO NOT QUESTION FURTHER OR INVESTIGATE.

Things To Remember

Please remember the following - children/young people who are at risk of harm or neglect can sometimes be identified by the following:

‘Secret(s)’ - Adults MUST share information that could indicate a child is being harmed/neglected;
Emotional well-being / Change in behaviour;
Self– harm;
Written school work;
Loss of weight / Deterioration of appearance;
Information from concerned school friends or other students;

Managing Allegations Against Members of Staff

In exceptional circumstances you may have concerns about the conduct of a staff member, it is very important to do the following:

  • If it is a member of staff you MUST share your concerns with the Headteacher.
  • If it is the Headteacher you MUST share your concerns with Mr Mark Jordan, Chief Executive Officer

Allegations against staff will be referred to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) who manages allegations against members of staff. Any further action will be coordinated by the LADO.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) is a command of the UK's National Crime Agency (NCA), and is tasked to work both nationally and internationally to bring online child sex offenders, including those involved in the production, distribution and viewing of child abuse material, to the UK courts for prosecution. 

The CEOP combines police powers with expertise from the business sector, government, specialist charities and other interested organisations, please visit www.ceop.police.uk to learn how to better protect your child's online experience whilst using the internet.

Anti Racism

All forms of racism are unacceptable at Ramsden Hall School and will be treated very seriously; if you are faced with Racism, please do not feel that you have to tolerate such behaviour - report it immediately!

Pupils placed at the Ramsden Hall School may have a history of being unkind or aggressive to other pupils. Also a number of pupils may have a history of being ‘victims’ of unkind treatment from other pupils. We therefore recognise that relationships at a school like ours can lead to pupils being involved in physical incidents. We endeavour through our levels of supervision to ensure adults are constantly intervening and trying to diffuse situations as they are occurring.

Nevertheless there is a small core of pupils who indulge in bullying which we define as someone picking on other pupils, sometimes with the support of others, to intimidate, humiliate or even engineer a physical assault. We recognise that ‘bullies’ must be worked with and their ‘bullying’ behaviour must be addressed. We also have a duty of care to our other pupils and they must be protected from bullying. 

Below are listed some of the strategies the school have adopted to address bullying within the school:

  • To talk to the ‘bully’ in a counselling way and try to get him to recognise his problem as well as to assist in the resolution of his difficulties with the victim.
  • Within the 24-hour curriculum the issues of ‘bullying’ are addressed i.e. CPSHE/SEAL lessons, English, Social Skills Training, the Residential Social and Educational Programme.
  • To raise these issues in the School Council Meetings, discussions in the residential provision as well as using the Anti-Bullying Board Game.

Fixed-term or even permanent exclusion would be the last resort, but if the school was unable to protect pupils from covert and overt bullying the psychological and physical well being of our vulnerable young people is paramount.

Staff receive training in all the above procedures and methods for addressing bullying and the carrying out of these procedures is closely monitored by the Principal.

Safeguarding Policy

Ofsted - Outstanding Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP)Smart School Council CommunityAttachment Aware SchoolNurture Accreditation AwardThe Princes Trust